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The Institute  of Theopathic Health Ministries
                 Theopathic Health &  Wellness​

The Theopathic approach to healing views healing through a biblical prospective, and it is a spiritual right that belongs to all who choose to receive healing through the authority of Jesus the Christ. There are many Holistic approaches to Healing. While most of them help the body to heal, Idiopathic holds the keys that provide the ultimate truths about Healing.
The Theopathic process is a new break through in health and healing. Yes it’s true about a new method of attaching sickness and disease in-order to achieve Healing and total wholeness for the body. The Theopathic method of Healing will heal 96 % of all whom completely follow the guidelines for healing.
Theopathic Healing is Gods way of healing the human body. The word Theopathic means the Lords way of healing. Theopathic healing is displayed in a Triopathic manner. The word Triopathic is broken down into two parts, which comes from the word Trio, which means Three or Triune referencing the Triune God or the Trinity which is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, and man who was made in His image. Which indicates three in one which is the spirit, soul and body?
The suffix of “Trio-path”, comes from the word path which means a road or way: the course taken.
When combined with the prefix trio it means the way taken is unity of the three in one.
Another way of defining the Theopathic is Gods way of healing the three parts of man. Total good health is achieved when a human being is functioning as God created man whereby each part of man is properly performing its function to the other two parts, demonstrating the highest potential for living a happy life, and for fellowship with the Creator.
The most common mistake in modern medicine is the treatment of one of the whole entire physical part of a individual and leaving the other two parts to suffer and cause a re occurrence of physical illness within the same individual.
Most Medical Doctors are not trained to understand the soul and the spirit, but do under stand that stress, depression, worry, will and attitude has a lot to do with a patient’s recovery and the rate to which a patient recovers.
Medical science understands that injury and diseases cause harm to the body and that the body has the power to heal itself, but they don’t understand completely the process which God uses for the body to heal itself. Theopathic explains the complete healing process and shows mankind a way to achieve true wholeness. Medical science has made great progress in the healing of the flesh although in some cases natural healing is more advantageous. Medications often mask the symptoms of an illness or attack the symptoms, which are not really the cause of the illness. The illness is often the result of sickness located within the spirit or soul and or manifesting in the flesh. If Medical Science only treats the flesh, the sickness will manifest again through the same illness or a different illness, which is why some illness are never healed and the patient dies or suffers with the illness.

One may say that Theopathic is nothing more than the practice of Holistic Heaing but to make that assumption would be totally wrong. Theopathic achieves the intended goal of the Holistic approach and goes far beyond the traditional holistic approaches because it facilitates a deep and personal relationship with the creator.
Theopathic healing also includes integrated medicine in its methods of healing. Theopathic healing is not limited to Allopathic, Naturopathic or Nomeopathic approaches to healing. It also includes Spiritual and Psychological and excepts all other approaches that does not contradict the Spiritual values of the Theopathic approach.
The Idiopathic approach to healing utilizes aspects of a combination of different healing professions, such as: Minister of the Gospel, Naturopathic Physician or Medical Doctor, Christian Psychologist. It would be difficult if not impossible to be the best at each of these professions, yet one can have the right combination of these disciplines through education and rely on the professional knowledge of these professions and have the same impact as one who knew all of these professions.
Understanding Neurotheology
Neurotheology Defined

Neuro refers to the central nervous system, an aspect of study. Theology is the study of God. Neurotheology is the study of the neurobiology of religion and spirituality. Christian Neurotheology is based upon the Jew Dao Christian Bible, which is studied from a Scientific and Spiritual prospective called Neurobiblical Science. A Christian Neurotheologist is one that practices Intergraded Principles Science and Theology and has studied the Neurobiology of Religion and the Spirituality of Spiritual Healing.
Christian Neurotheology is based on the study of five disciplines:
Neurobiblical Science
Psychoneuroimmunology form a Biblical Prospective
Nutritional Therapies
Deliverance Ministries
Interactive Medicine or Health
Neurobiblical Science Defined

Neurobiblical Science is the study of the effects that the written and spoken Word of God has on the nervous system, and how the brain releases chemicals that are transmitted throughout the body to cause healing. It encompasses both theoretical and clinical knowledge of basic principles of healing through the power of God and the Spiritual Gifts of Healing encompassing the evaluation and treatment of four spiritual diseases: Oppression, Depression, Suppression, and Possession, which are the root causes of a wide variety of physical diseases that attack the whole body. Neurobiblical Science takes a Triopathic and Theopathic (Gods way of a Holistic approach through the unity of three in one: spirit, soul and body in harmony with God) approach to spiritual healing, whereby the spirit soul and body are cleansed in a holistic manner that positions one in the correct status to receive divine healing.

The types of practitioners who specialize in this area of health include:
Neurotheologist who practice Inter-graded Medicine or Inter-graded Health
Ministers of Gospel who has a Healing Ministry
Lay Ministry Healing Practitioners
Divine Healing Practitioners
Any and all Theopathic Practitioners
Biblical Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) Defined

Biblical Psychoneuroimmunology, often referred to as Faith Based Psychoneuroimmunology FBI, is the study of interactions between ones perception of the world around them, their behavior, the way their brain, and their immune system functions after hearing and believing the Word of God and acting in faith. The field of FBI, studies the measurable interaction between psychological and physiological processes from a biblical prospective. The psychological portion is the Psycho from a biblical aspect, the Central Nervous System aspect is the Neuro aspect. There is an endocrine system aspect and the body's defense against external infection and aberrant cell division is the biblical nutritional Immunology aspect.
Biblical Nutritional Therapies Defined
This course teaches therapies that enhances biblical principals for re-balancing brain chemistry quickly and effectively, using nutritional therapy that uses herbs and special amino acids to influence endorphins and nor-epinephrine, also the use of herbs to relieve suffering.
Deliverance Ministries
501 C3 status Religious Organization that practices spiritual healing through Gospel acts of loosing and binding spirits in order to set a person free from oppression.